




Pain Management > Joint Pain

Woman's Joint Pain Bankrupts Wedding Business And Crushes Sex Life ... Until This Weird 'Joint Jelly' Changed Everything

Discover How A 67 Year Old Woman's Remarkable Recovery Challenging Everything We Know About Aging Joints

Jane Mitchell, Health Reporter

Published: 8:32 ET, December 3, 2024



6 min Read

Joint Pain Nearly Kills Wedding Cake Business

Right there, in the middle of creating her own granddaughter's wedding cake, Rachel Sander's fingers locked up completely. The piping bag slipped from her grasp, ruining hours of work. But it wasn't just about a ruined cake - it was about a grandmother who couldn't create this precious memory for her granddaughter.  This was the beginning of the end.

There she was, staring at a $4,500 wedding cake order that she couldn't finish because her hands wouldn't stop shaking in addition to her knee pain from standing. After that humiliating moment, her granddaughter begain to try and comfort Rachel instead of celebrating her special day.

She knew at that moment she couldn't keep pretending this would get better on its own. The joints in her hands and knees were screaming for help, and she finally decided to listen.

Misinformation About Joint Pain Crushed Rachel's Sex Life

Rachel’s regular doctor just shrugged it off as 'normal wear and tear aging' and pushed expensive glucosamine supplements at her.

"Learn to coupe with the pain,' he said. It's just part of getting older".

Learn to coupe with the pain,' he said. 'It's just part of getting older. | Typical Doctors

WASHINGTON, D.C. - : Members of the American Frontline Doctors seen while at Capitol Hill after giving a press conference addressing joint pain misinformation in Washington D.C. on July 27, 2024.

Things got worse and the supplements became less affective over time. Her joints got stiffer, and her business was failing. Rachel's marriage was straining under the internal self talk of feeling so inadequate not to mention the lack of mobility.

The pain decreased her desire to for intimacy and sex.  Her husband could tell that physical intimacy was agitating her pain even more and he begain to pull away to protect her.  

She watched him struggle, both with trying to be a caretaker and not having his needs met, which created a deep distance in their relationship. She felt so helpless and couldn’t do anything about it.

Shocking Harvard Study Reveals Why Your Doctor Is Wrong About Joint Pain..

But here's where Rachel's story took an unexpected turn - one that led her to a Shocking Harvard Study that reveals why your doctor Is wrong about joint pain.

I spoke with Dr. Mark Weis, an award winning physician, medical consultant and author. He reveals how the Harvard discovery is turning the joint health research on its head.

I was able to get permission to show the following x-ray images. 

(1) The first image on the left shows a joint of the average American senior experiencing discomfort, stiffness, and poor mobility. The first x-ray – showing an average American senior’s joint – is pretty much bone-on-bone, right

(2) The second image on the right is a joint of the average senior from the tiny, remote village of Yuzirihara in the mountains of Japan, who is experiencing no discomfort, no stiffness, and the flexible, mobile joints of a teenager. But the second x-ray – a joint of the average senior in Yuzirihara – shows a wide and healthy joint’s what’s inside this joint space that has allowed the villagers of Yuzirihara to become practically immune to joint decay, even into their 80s and 90s.


And no, I’m not talking about cartilage. It’s a gloopy liquid that nourishes and protects the cartilage of these Japanese villagers.

Which, thanks to one unusual food in their diet, their joint space is uniquely rich in.

Dr. Mark Weisʉۤ Former Physician to the U.S. Army

The information and solution in this study is exclusive and legally we cannot disclose the full details of the information here. However click the link below to get the full details about this break through discovery

The information and solution in this study is exclusive and legally we cannot disclose the details of the information here however....

Joint Pain Special Video Report Reveals:

  • Why wear and tear is NOT the real reason for your joint pain (and the shocking scientific truth Harvard researchers just discovered)
  • Why modern pollution is making your joint problems worse than ever before – and the unusual way to shield yourself from this hidden danger
  • What Harvard scientists discovered about ancient hunter-gatherer skeletons that completely changes everything we thought we knew about joint pain
  • What never to eat if you want to stop your body's natural joint lubricant from leaking away (most seniors eat this daily)
  • Thinking you have to live with joint pain as you age? WRONG! This Japanese village proves otherwise

Rachel Found Joint Pain Freedom, Thriving Business And Rekindled Love Life

Rachel and her husband living joint pain free

Today, at 67, Rachel moves better than she did at 50. Her wedding cake business is thriving. She recently completed her grand daughter's first anniversary cake. 

The cake she crated for her grand daughter's anniversary was complete with the intricate sugar flowers she once thought she'd never make again.

For over two decades, She was Arizona's go-to wedding cake artist.  Her days are once again filled with the sweet scent of buttercream, the gentle hum of mixers, and the joy of creating masterpieces for happy couples. 

And once again her business is thriving and she get's to do what she loves the most free from joint pain.

I felt grateful for the second chance my husband and I have been given, for the way we’d found each other all over again | Rachel Sanders

Rachel and her husband's intimacy became a place of joy and connection again.  They rediscovered the love they had before and now that love had only grown stronger through their trials.  Rachel said "I felt grateful for the second chance we’d been given, for the way we’d found each other all over again." 

But this isn't just about Sarah, her story represents hope for millions of Americans who've been told to "just coupe with their joint pain problems".  
Sarah's discovery proves there's new and better way unlike anything most people will even know about.

Discovery For Yourself -  Because we cannot legally disclose the weird joint jelly information here I urge you to take advantage of this life changing information and the joint pain solution inside the exclusive video summary. 

It provides the proprietary information about how this Joint Jelly discovery works and how it's already helping thousands of Americans regain their mobility. 

Watch now this breakthrough research and how it could help you, click below to watch this powerful and important presentation.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is for educational purpose only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any medical treatment. Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific health concerns and if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications.  Consult healthcare professionals before using this and any dietary supplements. Individual results may vary. By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Advertising policy printed on this site.  *Results are not typical and weight loss efforts should be accompanied by proper nutrition and exercise.

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